Wall of Fame

Khloe McCloskey - Middle School Volleyball

“Khloe is new to volleyball and rocking it! She is always positive, works her tail off, and stepped up to the plate at our first game! She helped her team win with her serves that night! So proud of her.” - Coach Conant

Evelin Valadez - High School Volleyball

“Evelin is, as I would like to describe her, "the heart and soul of the team". She is always picking her teammates up when they are down and celebrating their success! She has been an amazing leader and a positive influence! Her work ethic is amazing and something I appreciate as a coach! Evelin is a senior and she will be greatly missed next year! Evelin is a great volleyball player but, more importantly, a great person, as well!” - Coach Carla

Jackson Mead - Middle School Football

“Jackson Mead comes to practice everyday, puts his head down, and is ready to work. He comes in with a great attitude day in and day out.” - Coach Brau

Kenton Sherrill - High School Football

“Kenton came out for football for the first time as a freshman and has really stepped up. He gets beat up a little in practice sometimes, but always comes back ready to go the next day. He has taken in a lot of new information and been a willing learner. He has a lot of potential to be a great player in the future.” - Coach Bauman

Brooklyn Richardson - Student of the Month

“Brooklyn is one of the most respectful and kind students that I know! She can frequently be seen carrying bags for students that need extra help, helping her classmates and just being a kind human. She is reliable, hardworking and makes excellent decisions. I can't wait to see where this school year takes her!” - Mrs. Bauman

“Brooklyn is an excellent example of wisdom; she knows exactly what needs to be done in school and she does it, without question or hesitation. She is also incredibly patient and kind! She has been such a huge help and leader to our new volleyball girls.” - Mrs. Johnson

“Brooklyn is a very responsible, respectful, and caring person! She is always getting her work done and helping others if they need it! Brooklyn is great about seeing a problem and trying to find a solution!” - Mrs. Carla

“There are so many things I appreciate about Brooklyn! One of the things I admire most about her is her kindness and compassion towards others and her selflessness - I can also always count on her for brightening my day with a positive action or comment.  You have the unique ability to see the good in all.  Thank you for being YOU Brooklyn!" - Mrs. Unruh